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Mud Covered Eyes

Chelouche Gallery for Contemporary Art

TLV | 2015


A jungle in air-conditioned spaces. The works that are hanging from the walls and ceiling metamorphose and transform the gallery's space. The air-condition soothes the burning of the skin from the outside, cooling the exhibits, but not the flames that rise within them, the violence, the defiance they slam at the viewer. It is just breathtaking. Tal's objects converse with the gallery's rooms. They converse with me, just as they did back at the studio, where Tal first delivered them, yet differently. Here, each object acquires a life of its own, to a gaze in the eyes of the beholder. The density of air, the terror, the swamp, the unveiling chaotic subconscious, will not be settled by the air-condition. The transition from the studio to the gallery resembles the move of a new born from the delivery room to the nursery. All the fear and joys are still hidden within him and amplifying his being into existence.

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