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Chelouche Gallery for contemporary Art 

TLV  2018

"Nothing will grow here only / Laugh to me your/ Black teeth so I’ll know"

ShadeDays is an exhibition of apocalyptic memory materialized. Tal Shoshan is creating an ancient landscape that resembles an aqua-swamp space, densely populated with objects that appear to grow from the ground or to be born from one another; some long, their ends touching the ceiling, connecting earth to sky, but simultaneously creating a seemingly looking jail-booth that closes-in on the visitor. Other objects are short, in a sort of growth or hewing process, as if stopped while growing, and are now becoming nature’s ghosts, marks in a disaster area. The space invites the visitors and pulls them, like in a horror film, to move inside it, to come close to the sculptural structures, and to observe the infinite revealed and concealed details that constitute them. Is it the thing in itself or only its shadow - that the artist follows and draws in materiel.

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